That doesn’t make sense to me. And anger does not equate to hatred. You are projecting your own feelings on to others. Dissent towards government policies that violate First Amendment freedoms is certainly legit and necessary.
I didn’t say that anger and hatred were the same thing. I said that the one facilitates the other. As to First Amendment rights, I said nothing to suggest people shouldn’t be allowed to make such criticisms. So, the point has no bearing on my comment.
You implied it when you said, “attacking government is a convenient way to express hatred.” Based on your follow up comments then, we can revise your earlier statement to read: “CRITICIZING government is a convenient way to express ANGER…” Like many voters, I am angry at government policy that doesn’t work and penalizes people who simply want to invoke their Constitutional rights. If Bernie Sanders were to revise his rant to proclaim that it’s time to “break up Big Government, he’d have my attention. Thanks for writing.
If and when your reading skills improve, you can rewrite my stuff. Until then, your efforts remain deceitful. And yes, your opposition to government is a great example of what I’m talking about. Just a PC way to hurt other people.
You say that PC is just a way to hurt other people. Hmm. Aren’t you hurting Tom, and somewhat berating him by your comments, in which you criticize his writing skills, and stating that his efforts are deceitful? Let me ask you this. If the government makes a decision, that is totally contrary to your beliefs, would you just lay down an say nothing, or would you attack that decision? I do believe you would attack the government. Based on your comments, I do believe that you are intolerant of conservatives, who would dare express their deep rooted convictions. Blessings.
Because attacking government is a convenient way to express hatred for so many other people and to do so without taking responsibility for doing that.
That doesn’t make sense to me. And anger does not equate to hatred. You are projecting your own feelings on to others. Dissent towards government policies that violate First Amendment freedoms is certainly legit and necessary.
I didn’t say that anger and hatred were the same thing. I said that the one facilitates the other. As to First Amendment rights, I said nothing to suggest people shouldn’t be allowed to make such criticisms. So, the point has no bearing on my comment.
You implied it when you said, “attacking government is a convenient way to express hatred.” Based on your follow up comments then, we can revise your earlier statement to read: “CRITICIZING government is a convenient way to express ANGER…” Like many voters, I am angry at government policy that doesn’t work and penalizes people who simply want to invoke their Constitutional rights. If Bernie Sanders were to revise his rant to proclaim that it’s time to “break up Big Government, he’d have my attention. Thanks for writing.
If and when your reading skills improve, you can rewrite my stuff. Until then, your efforts remain deceitful. And yes, your opposition to government is a great example of what I’m talking about. Just a PC way to hurt other people.
You say that PC is just a way to hurt other people. Hmm. Aren’t you hurting Tom, and somewhat berating him by your comments, in which you criticize his writing skills, and stating that his efforts are deceitful? Let me ask you this. If the government makes a decision, that is totally contrary to your beliefs, would you just lay down an say nothing, or would you attack that decision? I do believe you would attack the government. Based on your comments, I do believe that you are intolerant of conservatives, who would dare express their deep rooted convictions. Blessings.
My pleasure, Tom. No reason for his attacks. Must be a lib. Blessings.
If your convictions are so deep, you wouldn’t need to be so deceitful. Neither would Tom. Blessings? Get real!
Thank you. You just answered my question. You people are so predictable. And yes, Blessings.