Trump hemorages support
By Tom Quiner
Donald Trump turned in a decent debate performance in last night’s debate if substance doesn’t matter to you.
But Hillary Clinton also turned in a decent debate performance in last night’s debate if substance doesn’t matter to you.
I give the edge to Trump considering his campaign is in a free-fall after this weekend’s expose’ of his shameless embrace of predatory sexual practices. In other words, Trump had no where else to go but up.
A few short weeks ago, Donald and Hillary were just about even in the polls. Leave it to Trump to squander his momentum with another set of self-inflicted campaign gaffes. A new NBC/WSJ poll taken since the the secret tape of Trump was released shows he now trails by 11 points in a 4-way race, and 14 points in a 2-way race.
If the trajectory of Trump’s implosion continues, Hillary may win in a landslide and steal the Senate from the Republicans, opening the door to a radical Supreme Court for decades to come.
The only thing Donald Trump has going for him is that he is running against the weakest Democratic opponent in modern history.
She is transparently corrupt, something non-liberals don’t find attractive. She is also transparently disingenuous, seemingly every time she opens her mouth (except when singing Planned Parenthood’s praises — THAT is sincere).
For these reasons, she can’t put Trump away. The betting line on Trump has sunk to a meager 19% chance of winning. But Hillary’s prolific baggage prevents her from slamming the door shut on him.
Republicans’ best chance would be if Trump stepped down. That will never happen. Their best hope is that voters will detest her more than him.