Democrat says Democrats were in on the lie
By Tom Quiner
The Senator is refreshingly honest about the lie.
New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand appeared on ABC’s This Week Sunday.
Ms. Gillibrand was asked if the president could ever regain the American people’s trust after having so nakedly lied to us.
“He should’ve just been specific. No we all knew. The whole point of the plan is to cover things people need, like preventive care, birth control, pregnancy. How many women, the minute they get pregnant, might risk their coverage. How many women paid more because of their gender, because they might get pregnant. Those are the reforms.”
The lie was justified in her eyes as a necessary evil to impose the elite’s vision of health insurance on us little people.
She didn’t see any problem at all with President Obama’s ability to regain our trust.
Democrats believe they know how to spend our money better than we do ourselves, so the ends justifies the means.
Lying is okay.
We simply need to get over our love affair with the truth