The Planned Parenthood lie

By Rhonda Phillips

Planned Parenthood’s (PP) Jill June, who has enjoyed a hefty 45% salary increase from 2008-2010 and reportedly earns $265,389.00 annually, seeks to terrify women and vilify the GOP, claiming they want to eliminate healthcare for women.

This is a lie (Here’s Another Reason Women Leave the GOP, Jan 19-2012). There are countless clinics and hospitals which offer care to women, including Medicaid patients.

They just don’t offer abortions.

What Republicans seek is to eliminate tax-payer funded abortions and contraception.  PP would have us believe that abortion is ‘healthcare’, which by definition is the treatment of diseases, injuries and illnesses.  Pregnancy is none of these things.

De-funding PP, a behemoth organization with over a billion dollars in assets, would not eliminate healthcare for women.  It would, however, help reduce the filthy lucre Ms. June and Planned Parenthood glean from the wombs of desperate and frightened woman.

[Thanks to Rhonda Phillips for contributing to Quiner’s Diner.]


  1. maxine Bechtel on January 21, 2012 at 8:00 am

    RIGHT ON, Rhonda and Tom! SO many people believe the current “Pro-Death” crowd of Democrat lawmakers who insist that no taxpayer funds are used for abortion, but each year billions of taxpayer dollars continue to pour into the already swollen coffers of PP, our Country’s leading provider of abortion! It behooves us who hold dear the Sanctity of Human Life to get involved in “fighting the Good Fight of Faith!”