Help fight ‘City Hall’

Thank-you for reading last night’s blogpost, “Quiner’s Diner asks for your help.” If you missed it, please read it.

I’m posting a YouTube video from last night that quickly generated nearly 8000 views as of this writing in support of the Dogpatch Urban Garden. Watch it below.

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Quiner’s Diner asks for your help

Brutish bureaucracy, redundant regulations, and an adversarial city hall really pisses me off.

I’m sorry to talk this way, but I’ve been doing a slow burn for months over the treatment  some of my family members have received from our county government here in the Des Moines area.

I am asking you to help…

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Which is it?

Wait a second. So it's okay for kids and pundits alike to say that GOP politicians are essentially accomplices to mass slaughter and the moral equivalent of mass murderers, but we have no right to judge an armed officer who stood idly by while kids were literally murdered? — Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) February 22,…

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The Billy Graham mystique

By Tom Quiner Billy Graham was a Baptist preacher (his epitaph). No one in history preached to more people than the globe-trotting Mr. Graham. It is estimated some 215 million people in 185 heard him preach in person. Not even Jesus could make such a claim (unless you count His activities on the ‘third day’…

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