Are we made in the image of “carbon dioxide”?

A four year old boy falls into a gorilla exhibit. Straddling him is a 450 pound gorilla with the strength of Superman.

What do you do?

I have a four year old grandson. For me, it’s a no brainer. You kill the animal to protect the human being, which is exactly what officials at the Cincinnati Zoo did when this happened the other day…

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Unhinged probort terrorizes pro life icon

“Oh my gosh, y’all. My heart is racing. I just got home from a trip and was driving home from the airport when this insane thing just happened. I had just exited to go towards our house and I saw this woman speeding up beside me. I looked over and saw that her window was down. She was SCREAMING at me. I thought maybe I had accidentally cut her off or something. But then I heard her say “f@*^% anti-choicer.”

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The power of apathy

Abby Johnson reminded us of the brutal murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York. Returning home late at night, Ms. Genovese was attacked by a stranger. Her cries for help went unheeded by neighbors.

The attacker left her in the bushes, only to return 30 minutes later to rape and finish her off.

A New York Times story said countless people heard her cries. No one offered to help. No one called the police. The woman died.

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How do you measure success?

If you are Planned Parenthood, you measure success by carnage.
If you are Planned Parenthood, you measure success by the quantity of human life you have exterminated.
If you are Planned Parenthood, you measure success by beating your human abortion quota.
The graphic above showcases the praise Planned Parenthood bosses lavish on clinics that exceed their quota. Former Planned Parenthood employee, Abby Johnson, talks about the quota system:

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Why a Planned Parenthood executive became a pro-life evangelist

By Lisa Bourne Abby Johnson was the keynote presenter at the Prayer For Life Day in Des Moines Feb. 8. Sponsored by a coalition of prolife organizations, the annual Prayer For Life Day offers education and networking for prolife individuals, topped off with prayer and a rally at the State Capitol. Johnson was director of…

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