Freedom of thought hangs in the balance

QUESTION:  What is the most important right in America?

ANSWER:  Most would quickly point to the First Amendment. It specifies freedom of expression and religion as foundational freedoms. However, freedom of thought, or conscience, is the ultimate foundation upon which other freedoms rely, and it is under grave assault.

The assault on this freedom comes from a seemingly unlikely source: abortion and so-called women’s reproductive rights.

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Get to know the guy Obama is trying to put out of business

My headline isn’t totally fair.

Barack Obama isn’t directly responsible for trying to put Jack Phillips out of business. But he is indirectly responsible.

He has championed the so-called same-sex marriage movement which unleashed a political movement which targeted Christian businesses.

Liberalism as practiced by Barack Obama is extremely adept at destroying things, whether it is our healthcare system or the coal industry; whether it is jobs … or a humble baker.

Jack Phillips is the latter. He has been targeted. Will his business survive?

The jury is out. Watch this video to put a human face on another victim of American liberalism as practiced by Barack Obama and his government.

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