The official religion of the Democratic Party

By Tom Quiner A religion is defined by dogma. After all, what is a religion but a set of principles and beliefs; that is, dogmas. The Roman Catholic Church has a set of dogmas that are virtually unchanged for 2000 years. Protestantism has splintered into some 30,000 to 40,000 strains, each with their own sets…

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Anti-Catholic bigotry on the rise

Eucharist is not a proper subject for irreverent humor. And yet Catholics were again subjected to denigration of their most sacred beliefs from another liberal publication, this time the Huffington Post in a piece written by Larry Doyle. Mr. Doyle characterized Catholic worship services as participating “in a barbaric ritual…a ‘mass’ in which a black-robed cleric casts a spell over some bread and wine…[resulting] in a cannibalistic reverie.”

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