Posts Tagged ‘environmentalism’
The Tactic of Deceit
By Iowans for LIFE “Americans use 500 million drinking straws every day.” Says who? Says ten year old Milo Cress, that’s who. Young Milo became convinced that drinking straws pollute our oceans. He put together a campaign called “we go strawless.” As John Stossel points out, the media, environmentalists, and leftist politicians all embraced his…
Read MoreIf only environmentalists cared about the environment
The theology of environmentalism
Michael Crichton wrote a book characterized as “pure porn for global warming deniers.”
His 2004 novel, “State of Fear,” was a techno thriller that exposed the global warming movement as fraudulent and self-serving. In an unusual move for a novel, he included charts and graphs exposing the flaws in global-warming/client change assertions.
Read MoreThe case against tax-payer funded subsidies for electric cars
By Tom Quiner Should the federal government take your tax money and give it to someone else if they buy an electric car? It is happening. It is being done based on the assumption that global warming is real, man-made, and reversible through draconian green energy schemes. Each is subject to debate within the scientific…
Read MoreThe case against tax-payer funded subsidies for electric cars
Environmentalist Bjorn Lombort says the electric car is bad for the environment. You read that right. He says a 2012 study about the environmental efficacy of the electric car appeared in the Journal of Industrial Ecology that reveals that the electric car is worse for the environment than a vehicle fueled by gasoline.
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