What gun control laws would be effective?

“Assault rifles” are very popular, because they are lightweight and accurate, but not particularly powerful. In fact, they’re not very good for deer hunting because they don’t have enough kick to take them down. Some states don’t allow assault rifles for hunting, not because they are too powerful, but because they’re not powerful enough.

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Gun reality

The worst mass killing in American history has to be Newtown.

A mentally ill young man walked into a grade school and began to mow down kids.

This happened two years ago. Since then, we’ve witnessed a shift in public sentiments regarding gun rights vs. gun control…

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How to solve the “gun” problem

“I am Dutch, so from the Netherlands. I need to address the statement you make. Fact is that those acts of violence by individuals are more frequent in the US than in the countries you mentioned.”

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The “ghoulish glee” of the gun grabbers

“I’m not a gun guy.

You don’t see me writing a whole lot about the Second Amendment. I react like most every American when I hear about the latest gun violence in the Navy Yard in Washington D.C.. I am sickened beyond words …

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Liberal goofs and equates abortion with gun violence

A furious debate rages. The Des Moines Register ran a Quiner’s Diner essay (“Gosnell trial exposes myths of abortion”) in the Tuesday edition of the paper. As expected, liberals were enraged. They sputtered and castigated the Register for running my piece. One of the liberal responders made a major goof …

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