“A gun free world”

Over half a million people marched for life in Washington DC and the Hollywood elite and the mainstream media yawned.

Over half a million people marched for life in Washington DC and the Hollywood elite and the mainstream media fawned.

The first March took place in January. I refer to the March for Life, which has taken place for more than four decades.

The second march just took place. I refer to the March for our Lives rally. CNN slobbered over the 2nd with massive coverage, as you can see above, at the same time they ignored the pro life, anti abortion march in January.

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Is the smoking gun the smoking gun?

Since 1982, the incidence of deaths attributed to mass public shootings was 1.52 per 100 million people in the U.S. However, there was a ten year dip in the middle (1996 through 2006) when the rate dipped to 1.0. Why?

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