We are the Holy Communion people

What defines a person?

Our culture says it is our skin color, our gender, or our sexual orientation.

Others with a little more depth suggest that it is our character.

For my mother-in-law, one could say mother, grandmother, great grandmother, wife, Republican.

These are a start.

I would suggest that for Ann, Holy Eucharist defined her. She lived her life to receive the Lord.

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We are the Holy Communion people

My mother-in-law, Ann, has lived with me for the past fifteen years.

I know this kind of arrangement wouldn’t work for everyone, but it did for Karen and me. Mom was truly one of my best friends.

She died at home on Saturday in Karen’s arms…

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Angels could be jealous of man for only one reason

Maximillian Kolbe possessed supernatural courage.
What else could explain what he did? Imprisoned at Auschwitz during World War II, this Catholic priest offered to go to the gas chamber in place of a fellow prisoner. As he processed to his death, he sang hymns to the Christ that had fed him with his Body and Blood his entire life, right up to the end …

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