My top ten religious movies for Lent

I love movies that depict the power of faith.

There is no one magic formula for a successful religious movie. Sometimes, it is an historical epic. Other times, it is a story of faith in action. Or it could be a docudrama on the life of a saint.

I especially love to dig into these films during Lent and let the beauty of God’s love wash over me.

Here is my updated top ten list of religious movies I like to watch during Lent:

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The challenge of making "Jesus" movies

Good Christians have intensely personal relationships with Christ.
My evangelical Christian friends talk about the necessity of establishing this personal relationship, this friendship, with God’s only Son. Catholics pursue this relationship through the Church’s sacraments which are profoundly personal.
In other words, Christians see Christ a little bit differently, even though they are friends with the same Man-God. You can see the challenge filmmakers face when creating movies about the life of Christ …

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