Progress and setbacks in race relations

In his book, “The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom: 1750-1925,” Herbert Gutman wrote:
“Five in six children under the age of 6 lived with both parents.”
In 1960 the illegitimacy rate in the black community was 22 percent. Today, it’s nearly 70 percent. The family clearly hasn’t broken down because of discrimination. Black families were much stronger when discrimination was rampant. More likely, the African American community has been a victim of welfare and Great Society programs that rewarded illegitimacy and penalized marriage …

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Two giants who fought for the little guy

By Tom Quiner On this Martin Luther King today, I can’t help but reflect on two moral giants of the era: Martin Luther King Jr. AND Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Why mention Mother Teresa on Martin Luther King’s day? Because both pursued parallel missions propelled by their faith in God. Both gave every ounce of…

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Anybody seen my old friend, Martin?

By Tom Quiner Anybody here seen my old friend Martin?  Can anybody tell me where he’s gone? He freed a lot of people but it seems the good they die young You know, I just looked around and he’s gone. Didn’t you love the things they stood for  Didn’t they try to find the good…

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