Let’s shut down that den of death known as Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood kills more kids in a single hour with scissors and forceps than the Parkland shooter managed to kill with his AR-15. — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 28, 2018 Body count from just the past year. NRA: zero Planned Parenthood: 330,000 Let's boycott the NRA. — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 28, 2018

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Tweet of the Day

Christians are twice as likely to adopt compared to everyone else. So when pro-aborts claim that pro-lifers don't care about born children, realize that the claim is utter nonsense not supported by a shred of evidence. Like all of their arguments. — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) January 19, 2018

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Stand up to the thugs

In 2009, Ms. Swain pointed out the SPL’s double standard by ignoring the voter intimidation tactics used by the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia. Ms. Swain boldly, and accurately, asserted:

 “Rather than monitoring hate groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center has become one.”

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Amen, Mr. Walsh

I hate when people say "Jesus hung out with sinners." No, He didn't. He ministered to them. He didn't just sit by and watch them sin. — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) May 9, 2017

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