Mitt is still thinking like a liberal

Imagine the huge impact on the U.S. if we could find jobs for teen age males and engage them productively before they get themselves into trouble. What a boon this would be for America. The beauty is that it doesn’t require a government program. It simply requires more freedom, freedom to let each worker sell his or her productivity for what the market will bear.

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The case for the “affirmative wage” experiment

By Tom Quiner A writer characterized Michelle Bachman as a “sideshow candidate” in this Sunday’s Des Moines Register. He mocked many of her quotes, beginning with this one regarding the minimum wage: “We could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we could offer jobs at whatever level.” Yes, Ms. Bachman was less than elegant…

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Milton Friedman explains the fallacy of a minimum wage

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] The late Nobel Laureate economist, Milton Friedman, explains why minimum wage legislation is counterproductive. He explains it better than anyone.  The clip above was made when the minimum wage was around $2.50, which dates the interview around 1977.  Unemployment for teens, and especially black teens, has only gotten worse, as I…

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The mock-benevolence of “compassionate” legislation

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) was a compassionate piece of legislation, right? It prevented discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Anyone who opposed that piece of legislation is considered mean-spirited, devoid of a drop of humanity. How about the extension of jobless benefits from a standard half year to closer to…

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