How Obama plans to lower gas prices

Breaking news! √ What it takes to get liberals to embrace home schooling (you’re going to love it because it is sooo true). √ How the Obama economy brings the races together. √ What’s the difference between Bill Clinton and Babe Ruth? More! Ready for some Friday afternoon laughs? Do not watch this video at work, because laughing out loud at this politically incorrect humor may get you fired! Ah heck, go ahead. Live dangerously!

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Obama’s magic act

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] It’s Friday. Time for a few good laughs at the expense of our confused liberal friends. Check out NewsBusted’s Jodi Miller’s latest political “scoops” such as the consequences of the Stock Act; the value of Obama’s smile; the difference between throwing a football on a California beach and, uhh, defecating on…

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Lost and clueless

By Tom Quiner I just received the brief story below via e-mail. I have no clue who wrote it, so I’m sorry to the author for lack of attribution. However, it’s pretty funny and worth sharing. *** A woman in a hot-air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man…

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