Would the 'Fair Tax' tax used cars?

The tax code currently stands at 4 million words. That’s about five times the length of the Bible. Congress tinkers with it constantly, usually increasing its complexity as it taxes new things; at the same time, they exempt others that have more persuasive (richer) lobbyists.
The Fair Tax eliminates the tax code. It strips away power from the politicians and their lobbyist buddies and puts the power where it belongs: in the hands of the people.

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The time has come to abolish the IRS. Here's how …

The time has come to change the way we raise money for the legitimate needs of our government.
Imagine a system that doesn’t require tax returns. The IRS would no longer be needed and would be shut down.
Imagine a system that doesn’t require withholding tax. In other words, imagine a system that lets you keep your entire paycheck, even, and especially if you’re a pensioner.
Imagine a progressive system that eliminates all taxes for people living beneath the poverty level, and yet collects dramatically more money from the wealthiest?

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