Gay marriage ruling may force Catholic schools to shutter their doors

There is a special place in heaven for anyone who sits on the Board of Education for a Catholic school.

It is a time-consuming, thankless job guaranteed to make some people mad due to the inevitable tough decisions that have to be made.

One of the perennial tough decision has to do with teachers’ salaries. Budgets are tight in Catholic Schools. Tuition doesn’t come close to covering their costs. Catholic schools depend on parish subsidies to keep their doors opened…

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Faith in Obama

Quick: do you trust the Obama Government? Even prominent Des Moines Register columnist, Rekha Basu, who has never met a liberal cause she didn’t embrace, doesn’t trust them. She is reacting to the NSA’s grab of phone records of U.S. citizens. My wife and I disagree on this issue. She wants to be safe from terrorists.

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