Happiness is a serious problem

By Tom Quiner


“You are as happy as you decide to be.”

These are the words of Abraham Lincoln. Are they true?

Author, talk show radio host, and political commentator, Dennis Prager, says yes. He comments above on your moral obligation to be happy. Mr. Prager’s point is that it is immoral to inflict a bad mood on others. Even more, he says you can become happier by acting happy.

He is the author of a great book called, “Happiness is a serious problem.” I read it years ago, and I quote from the book all the time. It is a gold mine of wisdom.

I recommend it.

Take a few minutes and watch the video above to understand Prager’s claim that you have a moral obligation to be happy.


  1. Kurt Johnson on March 26, 2013 at 6:59 pm

    Tom, excellent. I agree. I have quoted Charles Swindol’s statement “Attitude” a number of time over the years. It is very much in alignment with Dennis Prager’s thoughts. Also, I have been a long time believer that it is a two way street between thoughts and actions. Actions affect our thoughts as much as our thoughts affect our actions. Dennis Prager said it well. Thanks.

    • quinersdiner on March 26, 2013 at 7:19 pm

      Thanks for your comments. By the way, I enjoyed your letter in the paper this morning and agreed with you.