Americans are learning how socialism works

By Jeane Bishop

The Register’s editorial “Insurance’s Forgotten Lesson: We All Help Each Other” [Nov. 17] made the arrogant claim that “One benefit (of Obamacare) is being overlooked: Americans are finally learning how insurance works.” As a self-employed insurance professional and practicing Catholic, I think the aforementioned sentence makes more sense when worded, “Americans are finally learning how socialism works.”
This ridiculous editorial further states that “Obamacare requires insurance companies to cover the most basic, essential health services, including prescription drug coverage, preventive care, mental health treatment and emergency room visits. Obviously this makes sense.”
Obviously, it doesn’t make sense to call mandatory contraceptive coverage that, in some cases, works in an abortifacient manner “preventive.” The Catholic church has always, and will, oppose artificial contraception. This teaching is grounded in natural law and cannot change any more than human nature can change. Forcing institutions to pay for such services that are in direct violation of their faith is an assault to religious liberty.
Americans are finally learning how socialism works. 
[This letter appeared in the Des Moines Register this morning. Thanks to Quiner’s Diner reader Jeane Bishop for permission to publish it.]