Read this only if you're a racist

I guess I’m a racist.
How many times have you heard liberals invoke the “R” word since Barack Obama became president?
You know the meme: you’re only against Obama because he’s black.
Of course it’s bunk …

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Can I put you on?

What do Elton John and Barack Obama have in common?
A song.
Today is the 43rd anniversary of Mr. John’s first live album titled 11.17.70. It was recorded on November 17th, 1970, in the A & R Studios in New York and was broadcast live on radio.
This album was one of my first exposures to Mr. John’s music, and I was quite taken with it. I’m a piano player. Most of the rock music of the mid and late 60s was driven by the electric guitar. I like rock music that is driven by the piano. I like it even better when accompanied by strong melody.
That’s what Elton delivered then and now: pop rock music with infectious melodies and great piano accompaniment.
Listening to some of the tracks from 11.17.70 today, I couldn’t help but think of President Obama as I reacquainted myself with the song, “Can I put you on?” which I’ve linked above …

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Did you hear about the teacher who had sex in the closet twice in one day?

“Did you see the front page of the newspaper?”
I was enjoying morning coffee with my wife. We were reading the newspaper. Having finished the main news section, the Metro Iowa section, and the Sports page, I turned to my favorite section, the comics.
As I chuckled over “Rhymes with Orange,” I noticed Karen was glancing at the front page.
“Are you reading the article about the school teacher who was forced to resign for having sex with a staffer in the closet of his classroom?”

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