Prayers continue to be answered this Advent

By Tom Quiner

The secular world is oblivious to the lavish quantity of prayers devoted to Life.
In the Catholic Church alone, thousands of the faithful say Rosaries every day, every week, every month, year-after-year on behalf of this single cause alone.
So many of our Protestant brothers and sisters join us in praying on behalf of the dignity of human life.

"3 Divas and a Guy" packed the house with a crowd that believes in the dignity of man

“3 Divas and a Guy” packed the house with a crowd that believes in the dignity of man

Last night, my church’s Respect Life group sponsored an event called “3 Divas and a Guy” to raise money for two groups: Iowans for LIFE and Iowa Right to Life.
Iowans for LIFE sends dozens of buses out to Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life each year. They join some half-a-million other compassionate people committed to the the belief that social justice begins in the womb.
They march and they pray.
A majority of these praying marchers are young, a scary indicator to the human abortion industry that preys on the preborn for their profits. Human abortionists are feeling the heat as young people increasingly stand up for a principle that states that human dignity begins at the instant conception.
Human abortionists are losing their audience.
At our event, our “divas” certainly did NOT lose their audience. As they sang the beautiful ballad, “Mary did you know,” the entire hall was united   on behalf of the cause of Life, enraptured by the song’s beautiful lyrics:

Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy would one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy has come to make you new?
This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you.

God sent us His Son to teach us all about the beauty of Life. He sent us His Son to teach us that every single human life is important. After all, Mary’s Baby Boy spent His Life reaching out to the very people society thinks are unimportant, the “invisible people” as I sometimes call them.
We have the same problem today with elites who ignore the invisible people in the wombs.
Mary’s Baby Boy keeps teaching us today to see the humanity, the dignity, in every single  human being.
Jenifer Bowen, director of Iowa Right to Life revealed some stunning news at last night’s event:

We just learned that Red Oak and Creston, Iowa, Planned Parenthoods have dropped their hours to ZERO!!! This was confirmed on their website as well. We will bring you more information as we learn it!!! Huge victories!!

Planned Parenthood makes more cuts!

Planned Parenthood makes more cuts!

This comes on top of four other recent clinic closings.
The Respect Life movement is built on a mountain of prayer. We are seeing the fruit of these prayers slowly, surely, relentlessly.
It all flows back to the “fruit of thy womb, Jesus.”
I wish each Quiner Diner reader around the world could have been with us last night for “3 Divas and a Guy” as we raised a few dollars for the cause of Life while enjoying great food, fellowship, and fun.
Mary, did you know what awaits us?

The blind will see.
The deaf will hear.
The dead will live again.
The lame will leap.
The dumb will speak
The praises of The Lamb.

Happy Advent!