Fascinating discussion on Sebelius v Hobby Lobby tomorrow at 9
By Tom Quiner
Tune in tomorrow (Tuesday) at IowaCatholicRadio.com for a great conversation on last week’s watershed Supreme Court case, Sebelius v Hobby Lobby. The show runs at 9AM and again at 9PM.
Here are the details:
Next Faith on Trial: An analysis of the Hobby Lobby arguments before the Supreme Court by the chief trial attorney for the Thomas More Law Center
This week on Faith on Trial Erin Mersino, senior trial counsel for the Thomas More Law Center, who was in the courtroom when the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the HHS Mandate by Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties, will give us her impression of how the case was argued and what might be the eventual outcome.
Erin has filed 11 federal lawsuits challenging the HHS Mandate and won only the second injunction against its enforcement. She also had submitted an amicus brief to the court on behalf of Hobby Lobby and Conestoga. Erin, who is a frequent guest on our program, recently won the “Defender of the Faith” award by Legatus, the nation’s largest organization of top Catholic business owners. She also represented Fr. Ray Leonard, a contract Navy Chaplain who the government banned from saying Mass during the recent government shut-down and threatened with arrest if he volunteered to celebrate Mass or enter the chapel.Join Deacon Mike Manno and Gina Noll as they interview Erin about what she saw and heard during the Supreme Court arguments. Tuesday at 9 & 9 (CDT) on 1150 AM; 88.5 & 94.5 FM and streaming live on IowaCatholicRadio.com.
Even if you live in Great Britain, Canada, or Saudi Arabia, you can enjoy this conversation streaming live on IowaCatholicRadio.com. Tune in!
It all comes down to science vs. faith.
I don’t see it that way, Joe. Science and faith aren’t adversarial in the least.