With all the golf this man has played the last 8 yrs., I think I know what he’ll be doing for a living after he leaves the W.H. I think he will be next the star on the PGA senior tour. If not, I don’t know what all the golf was about if he wasn’t getting good enough to b/c a pro. If I do something as much as he played golf, I get really excellent. I never even had the best equipment or facilities but my talents (w/ a fraction of the time he devotes to golf) became considerable.
Reblogged this on Two Heads are Better Than One and commented:
To be fair, what did anyone honestly EXPECT from President Sand Wedge…?
I guess Nero fiddled because he didn’t play golf.
With all the golf this man has played the last 8 yrs., I think I know what he’ll be doing for a living after he leaves the W.H. I think he will be next the star on the PGA senior tour. If not, I don’t know what all the golf was about if he wasn’t getting good enough to b/c a pro. If I do something as much as he played golf, I get really excellent. I never even had the best equipment or facilities but my talents (w/ a fraction of the time he devotes to golf) became considerable.