I am praying for our president

By Tom Quiner


I’m not feeling very Christian toward my president.

Here’s why: Muslims are raping, mutilating, and crucifying Christians in the Middle East. And yet the president consistently and relentlessly downplays the irrefutable connection Islam has with relentless mass murder around the world.

Here’s why: the pre born in this country are under attack. Human abortion is epidemic thanks to the president and his party’s opposition to any form of regulation on this lucrative industry.

This is a nation that was founded in defense of fundamental rights. Life is the first right listed by our Founders in the Declaration of Independence.

The president refuses to defend the weakest in our own nation at the same time he makes excuses for murderous thugs who drag Christians from their homes, strip them, and crucify them in the Mideast.

Human dignity is under assault. Our president’s response is consistently wrong.

That is why I shall be praying for him tonight in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I pray God will change his heart.

I pray for a restoration of human dignity.





  1. atimetoshare on September 25, 2014 at 4:58 pm

    This is true, but take heart – God is still in control – even of the president.

  2. lburleso on September 25, 2014 at 5:22 pm

    Crucifixion is one of the top two explicit forms of execution mandated in the holy book of Islam, the Qur’an itself, as well as in the life and words of Muhammad. And this is being mandated and practiced increasingly today both by official courts in Islamic countries, as well as by Muslim mobs in Egypt and elsewhere.

    And our government is sending our taxpayer dollars to the people who perform these atrocities.

    The persecuted Christians in the Islamic world … must feel, in their heart of hearts, as if they are ascending their own Golgotha. Like Jesus, they may also feel abandoned and terribly alone.

    President Obama may not have personally ordered their crucifixions like Pontius Pilate did in his day, but by shoveling more and more aid to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government, the Syrian Jihadi Rebels, Al Qaeda in Libya, and assorted other Islamist groups, Obama shows himself to be the Great Enabler of a Christian Genocide unfolding before our very eyes.

    Let us pray there is a resurrection to follow this time of darkness we are living through.

    (From http://www.raymondibrahim.com/islam/crucifixion-in-islam-christians-ascend-their-golgotha/)


  3. xPraetorius on September 25, 2014 at 5:49 pm

    Very well said, Tom.

    This is so true:

    President Obama may not have personally ordered their crucifixions like Pontius Pilate did in his day, but by shoveling more and more aid to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government, the Syrian Jihadi Rebels, Al Qaeda in Libya, and assorted other Islamist groups, Obama shows himself to be the Great Enabler of a Christian Genocide unfolding before our very eyes.

    In yet another example of great minds thinking alike, I did a post on the very same subject — only a bit closer to home — today. yours, I’m afraid, was much more Christian than mine.

    I’m grateful for your post, and for you, as you both remind me where my heart needs to be when I experience anger or frustration at the sheer cluelessness of our current President.


    — x

    • quinersdiner on September 26, 2014 at 6:38 am

      My 90 year old mother-in-law lives with me. She attended morning Mass every morning until she became too frail. She would pray aloud at every Mass for the president, regardless of party affiliation. Mom is a staunch Republican, most of the morning Mass crowd votes Democrat like they’re on automatic pilot. They’d get upset when she prayed for a Republican but she just as sincerely prayed for Clinton. The president has a tough job and needs our prayers, especially when he is as inept as the current occupant. I’m trying to follow her lead, especially when I have an uncharitable heart which sadly happens frequently with Mr. Obama. Thanks for writing.

  4. shelley pitts on September 25, 2014 at 9:13 pm

    I could not agree with you more. In fact, your words are my words, exactly. It is very discouraging, day after day, for 6 years, to watch this president intentionally dismantle or “transform” our country. He has no respect whatsoever for life. 4,ooo unborn are legally & intentionally slaughtered every day, & he does EVERYTHING he possibly can to let it happen. He encourages it. In fact when he was in the Illinois Senate he voted AGAINST the infant born alive act! But then, everyone who votes Democrat, is promoting the death of the innocent unborn. I will never give up on the unborn. Never. There is absolutely nothing more important. Nothing.

    • quinersdiner on September 26, 2014 at 6:39 am

      I agree. As I have said for years, if you allow the unfettered slaughter of the pre born, anything is possible. Now everything else perverse seems possible.