America’s pro life youth take on Washington D.C.

By Tom Quiner

Pro lifers get ready for the March for Life in Washington D.C.

Pro lifers get ready for the March for Life in Washington D.C.

Get ready, Washington, you are about to overwhelmed by a wave of love.

10689519_931187273559082_8663626377861184467_nHundreds of thousands pro life youths have arrived, and the prayers have begun.

This country has NEVER, ever seen rallies of this nature in its history. For forty-two years since the Roe v Wade decision unleashed unfettered human abortion on this land, pro lifers have marched.

They have prayed.

And they are turning the tide.

See all the yellow hats in the photo above? Those are Iowa kids who have traveled to the March for Life on Iowans for Life busses. Those hats were handmade by IFL, on which I sit on the board.

These kids will join a half million others from around the country who stand up for the little guy in the womb.

Peace begins in the womb.1517826_931187306892412_6890484630740177422_n

“All we are saying’, is give peace a chance.”

Pray for these Marchers.


Pray for peace.


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