Ryan Anderson talks about so-called gay marriage

By Tom Quiner

Ryan Anderson is young, smart, and articulate.

This Heritage Foundation Fellow is one of the best spokesman on the scene for making the case for traditional marriage. Even though he is Roman Catholic, he makes his case with secular arguments.

He never lets his feathers get ruffled, even when his opponents turn nasty, which they do. The political Left in this country hates him.

The Washington Post ran a balanced profile piece on Mr. Anderson, which someone linked to his alma mater’s Facebook Page. You can guess what happened. Someone complained, since Anderson opposes so-called gay marriage. The head of the school quickly took down the link, with this comment:

“As many of you know, earlier today we posted a Washington Post article profiling a Friends School alumnus who is a prominent national legal advocate opposing same-sex marriage. At 5:45 this evening, I removed that post from this page. I will be posting a more detailed explanation of why I have chosen to do so later this evening.

I regret that by highlighting this article, we have caused pain to many members of our community, first and foremost, to our students. We have no greater responsibility than to continually strive to create a safe, nurturing environment for all the children in our care, and it is clear to me that leaving this article in place on our Facebook page is counter to that goal.” – Matt Micciche

What a bunch of cry babies. “Safe” means that liberals fear dissent, because they don’t have the logic and reasoning to support their positions.

Watch the clip above to hear Ryan Anderson’s reasoned arguments for traditional marriage.


  1. oarubio on April 21, 2015 at 5:12 pm

    We’d better dump the Ten Commandments and Natural Law — they don’t provide a “safe” environment for sin and disordered behavior.

    • quinersdiner on April 21, 2015 at 5:20 pm

      Yeah … the Commandments take all the fun out of life … at least if you’re a liberal. They create an unsafe environment for liberals. Let us ban them and publicly censure the Almighty.

    • encourage the faithful on April 25, 2015 at 4:56 am

      That’s it, oarubio! These liberal hate-mongers cannot face their sins, because indeed God did place the natural law in their hearts and to face the truth sears them, like holy water does to the proverbial vampire. They have a mental illness because of their obstinate sinning. Often-times this mental illness is abetted by their profuse use of drugs, legal and illegal. They are blind, upside-down in their thinking and living in darkness, each an unwitting tool of the dark prince; what else explains their exaltation of the abominable sins of abortion and sodomy? Unlike conservatives who sin but who admit that sin, liberals will not, indeed many of them cannot, admit that their behaviors are sinful. God speaks of these liberals through St. Paul in Romans 1:18-32.

      • oarubio on April 25, 2015 at 12:47 pm

        Yes, in the process of trying to eliminate the word “sin” from popular vocabulary, they attempt to turn our struggling attempts at virtue into something deserving of scorn.

  2. Abonilox on April 21, 2015 at 10:17 pm

    I support gay marriage. That said, this extreme intolerance & hostility to differing points of view is sickening to me. The one institution that should most respect honest differences of opinion has soiled itself & destroyed its credibility. There will be enough atheists after graduation. They needn’t be so paranoid.