Biden is out
By Tom Quiner
Vice President Joe Biden said he will not be a candidate for president.
Said Biden:
“Unfortunately, I believe we’re out of time.”
His decision makes Hillary Clinton a lock to win the nomination, assuming the FBI investigation into her Benghazi and e-mail misdeeds does not end up with an indictment.
Democrats are engaged in a high wire act without a net. Mr. Biden would have been the party’s safety net if relentless Clinton scandals cause Hillary’s campaign to implode. Biden has a tremendous asset: he’s likable. Ms. Clinton isn’t. Where Clinton views Republicans as her enemy, Biden views them as friendly opposition.
Now the party is forced to live or die with Hillary Clinton as their candidate, as Bernie Sanders or the other Democratic candidates do not have the stature to win the nomination.
Republicans have a problem with Donald Trump in the lead. However, they also have a solid crop of viable candidates who could emerge from the pack if things break right for them.
Hillary is a deeply flawed candidate. Republicans have an opportunity to win back the White House.
Spot-on, as usual Tom!… Biden might have been their only chance. However, I have ever deepening concern about the whole Trump-Popularity-Wave… Is this a case of the lunatics running the asylum?
I have been dismissive of Trump, Bob. That may be a mistake. He is more than just ‘hanging on.’ He’s driving the debate. If Trump wins the nomination, Republicans lose. On the other hand, I believe there are half a dozen other candidates who can defeat Hillary. With Jim Webb running as a 3rd party candidate, Republicans have just gained an edge, especially in his home state of Virginia, where Webb will siphon off some Democratic voters from Clinton.
Good. I really think he had the best chance of beating the GOP. It surely won’t be the liar or the communist.
I agree.
Joining you, Tom, and the rest of our conservative colleagues to make sure we don’t blow it in ’16! Our pagan nation can’t take another term of this stuff.
At this point, I would be happy with Cruz, Carson, or Fiorina in that order. I would vote for Rubio, the same as I voted for Romney and McCain, but I would not be as happy about it. Trump? I’d probably vote for him rather than Clinton, but sheesh, can we shoot ourselves in the foot any worse?