Rest in peace, little ones

By Tom Quiner

These are the tools of the human abortionist

These are the tools of the human abortionist

Forty-five little bodies have yet to find their final resting place.

These baby boys and girls were killed by Dr. Kermit Gosnell using the tools above. When authorities finally investigated his “House of Horrors,” they discovered 45 bodies and pieces of bodies in cat food containers and freezers.

The remains of these 45 human beings are now in the possession of the Philadelphia Medical Examiner. What should be done?

Both religious and secular traditions in the U.S. respect the dignity of a proper burial for the dead. We are human beings, not animals. Common decency demands a proper burial for these kids.

But will anyone step forward and take responsibility for the funeral arrangements for Dr. Gosnell’s victims? As a matter of fact, yes, someone will. His name is Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director for Priests for Life. His group will take responsibility.

Fr. Pavone said:

“In April, we requested permission from the Philadelphia Medical Examiner to bury these children. The nation was stunned to learn how Dr. Gosnell killed these children, and then stored their bodies in cat food containers and freezers. Now we have an opportunity to treat them better, by at least honoring their bodies with a proper funeral and burial.”

This is great news, except for one thing: the Medical Examiner won’t release the bodies. His statement doesn’t seem to allow for any wiggle room:

“… [the bodies] will not be released to any third party organization.”

Let us ponder this for a moment.

We know that the state and city regulators with jurisdiction over the House of Horrors didn’t care about the well-being of these kids. They pointedly refused to inspect the facility for years and years out of fear of “putting up barriers between women and their abortions.”

We know that the mothers didn’t care about their children, because they were plunking down their cash to pay for the human abortion of their kids.

We know that Dr. Gosnell didn’t care about these children, because he was raking in millions providing human abortion services.

At last, someone cares. Fr. Pavone and his group are saints on earth in their tireless efforts on behalf of the preborn. And yet the State once again puts up barriers.

Why, asks Fr. Pavone?

“People across the country are now asking why. Pro-life as well as pro-choice people, citizens and their political leaders, and even relatives of the babies, want to know why we cannot give these children a proper burial. And, of course, the other big question is, What is the state going to do with these babies? Will they be thrown in the garbage as medical waste? Will they be burned?”

Once the Gosnell story began to leak out to the general public (despite the MSM’s best efforts to low key it), there was shock, revulsion, and outrage over the carnage. Since people across the political spectrum were outraged together, shouldn’t we also care about the disposition of their little bodies now, asked Fr. Pavone?

“If there was so much outrage over how Dr. Gosnell treated these children, shouldn’t there be outrage as to how the rest of us treat them now?”

Fr. Pavone indicated they will still hold services for these babies even if they are unable to secure their bodies:

“This is the least we can do, given the humanity of these children and the inhumanity with which they were treated. People were rightly upset by the Gosnell case; this will be a way to bring some closure to the experience and let the healing begin.”



  1. Lisa Bourne on June 6, 2013 at 12:09 pm

    A work of mercy on the part of Father Frank and his organization. It’s a shame the Church not only didn’t beat him to it, but hasn’t come alongside to see that it gets done. God bless Father Frank.

    • quinersdiner on June 6, 2013 at 12:15 pm

      Yes, God bless Fr. Frank. I would suggest that he represents the Church in his outreach on behalf of the victims. He is truly doing wonderful work, and truly speaks for all Catholics in his ministry. Thanks for writing.