"The whole world is waiting for love"

By Tom Quiner

Lesbians assault praying Catholics in Argentina

Lesbians assault praying Catholics in Argentina

The lesbians spit on the praying men.
The men continued their prayer:

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.”

The self-proclaimed lesbians stripped off their tops to expose their bare breasts.
The men closed their eyes. Some covered their eyes with their hands. Their prayer continued:

“Blessed art thou among women … “

The lesbians pulled out cans of spray paint and desecrated the men’s clothing. They went out of their way to spray their paint of hate on the crotches of these young men, strangers to them, who represent something they fear.
The prayer continued  …

” … and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.”

The lesbians jeered the men and spewed profanity at them as a mob cheered them on.
And yet the men, summoning strength from the Holy Spirit, turned the other cheek and continued their prayer:

“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

I don’t know if I could have done what those men did. I KNOW I couldn’t, not without divine intervention. And that is what these young Catholics did to help them withstand an assault from a pagan world that demands unfettered human abortion.
These women feared accountability. They insist that they should control their bodies, even at the expense of  bodies and lives of the children they conceive. (I’m not sure why this is an issue if they’re lesbians.)
This drama unfolded in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The cathedral in San Juan was threatened with vandalism.
Young men gathered to pray the Rosary, asking the Blessed Mother to join them in their prayers calling for protection of this holy temple of the Lord.
The lesbians descended, chanting:

“To the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, who wants to get between our sheets, we say that we want to be whores, travesties and lesbians. Legal abortion in every hospital.”

What a perfect prelude to Advent.
Advent is mankind’s breathless waiting for Love.
God is Love. In Advent, we anticipate the fulfillment of the Messiah, the Son of God, who will rescue us from our paganism, our selfishness, our sin.
When the angel, Gabriel, appeared to the young Mary, when he informed her that she was with child, conceived by the Holy Spirit, she simply said “yes”:

“Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.”

Mary conceived a child while living in a pagan world. Paganism is once again flourishing, which makes Advent in 2013 in the year of our Lord even more compelling, more urgent.
The recent drama that took place in Argentina is playing itself out throughout the world. Some women, too many of them, are standing up and saying “no.”
And yet the tide is turning. Young people are turning to life. Here in America, they are flooding the streets by the hundreds of thousands in the March for Life.
How does God manifest His love? Through creation. Creation is all about giving. He sent us His Son to teach us about love. He sends us children as a way for us to experience all of the joy, and challenges of agape’ love, that is, sacrificial love, which is the ultimate expression of love.
I love a sweet Advent song called, “The whole world is waiting for love.” It is especially touching when sung by fidgety children, so I posted a video below I pulled off of YouTube for your enjoyment.
Here are the lyrics:

We’re waiting for Jesus like Mary,
We’re waiting for Jesus the Lord.
Come down, Lord Jesus!
Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
The whole world is waiting for Love,
The whole world is waiting for Love.
We’re laying a manger for Mary,
A manger for Jesus the Lord.
Come down, Lord Jesus!
Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
The whole world is waiting for Love,
The whole world is waiting for Love.
We’re making it lovely for Mary,
So lovely for Jesus the Lord.
Come down, Lord Jesus!
Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
The whole world is waiting for Love,
The whole world is waiting for Love.

The whole world, more than ever, IS waiting for love.
Never fear, it comes. It comes in the form of a babe in a manger.
Happy Advent.