A Friday morning romantic flight of fancy

By Tom Quiner [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSxJkKiHXbw] I love this little Disney short. Short films is a category most of us don’t pay any attention to. Watch “Paperman” above and you may change your mind about the art form.

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Art a conservative can love

People do crazy things in the name of art.
Sometimes, the craziness works. For example, who in their right mind would dream of creating a work of art out of 66,000 cups of waters. Especially if the endeavor took 62 hours of toil.
An artist by the name of Belo would …

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Run, don’t walk, to see Les Miserables

Why was Les Miserables, the novel, which was penned by Victor Hugo in 1862, so beloved? Critics mocked it, but the public loved it. Why was Les Miserables, the musical, written by Claude-Michel Schonberg and Alain Boubill, so wildly popular even though so many critics panned it? And why is Les Miserables, the movie, expected to be box office gold, even though top critics gave it mixed reviews, such as this one: “The good news: Les Miserables is a less miserable film experience than expected. The bad news: it’s still miserable.” Here’s why:

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Which art is more beautiful?

By Tom Quiner I stepped into the Cincinnati Contemporary Art Museum several years ago and got the shock of my life.  The “art”, and I use the term loosely, was ugly. It was pornographic. It demeaned. It was the kind of art that pulls you down into the muck. What happened to beautiful art?  I’m…

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