Should we care about who and what influences our leaders?

We have a clue on what and whom influenced Barack Obama. His father was a socialist. He admired Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules for Radicals.” Other Obama influencers where the communist Frank Marshall Davis, Harvard’s anti-American Roberto Unger, and most notoriously, the America-hating Reverend Jeremiah Wright and terrorist, Bill Ayers. These are the philosophers and intellects who molded the mind of Barack Obama. Each is distinguished by his disdain for American values.

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The mystique of Ayn Rand

Ultimately, Ayn Rand gives us something to love or hate. The Left loves her for her atheism and disdain for religion. The Right loves her for her devotion to laissez-faire capitalism. The Left loathes her for exposing the fraud of collectivism for all the world to see. The Right squirms at her elevating selfishness to a virtue. The Right AND the Left rightfully squirm at a story about the collusion of government and business to ace out the entrepreneur, which is the system America is perfecting under Obamanomics. [Continue reading for the odd effect tax policy has on the sales of Atlas Shrugged …]

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