My coffee with Brad Zaun

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] I had the pleasure of sitting down with Brad Zaun at my neighborhood coffee shop earlier this year. We discussed, what else, politics. (For out-of-state readers, Mr. Zaun is running for Congress here in Iowa against incumbent, Leonard Boswell, Democrat.) A few things struck me immediately. Brad is a regular guy.…

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More fallout from Obamacare

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] “When people better understand the Affordable Care Act, they’ll understand, I think, that this isn’t something being done to them but is something that’s really going to be valuable to them.’’ This was the President’s recent defense of the Affordable Care Act, also know as ObamaCare. The law mandates elimination of…

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Sebelius vs. Gingrich

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sibelius, has issued two major threats to the healthcare industry. Threat #1: “There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain…

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