The Catholic vote could tip the election

According to Matt Smith, president of Catholic Advocate (, we Catholics represent but 16 percent of the state’s population, but 26 percent of the electorate. In other words, Iowa has nearly half a million Catholic voters, eighty percent of whom voted in the last election. Democrats can’t assume a majority of Catholics will vote for Mr. Obama again. After all, George W. Bush won the Catholic vote by 5 points in 2004 …

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The power of the “clerical frown”

“When the Democratic Party made the ideological issues of secular feminism a litmus test for party loyalty, millions of Catholics including thousands of clergy had to make a choice. As a result of this choice, the “Catholic voter” was destabilized. No longer reliable Democrats, some Catholics became registered Republicans and many became de facto independents or swing voters … “

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Catholic Advocate comes to Des Moines

The president has a problem. He doesn’t like Catholics. In particular, he doesn’t like Catholics who attend Mass every week. Why do I make such a provocative claim? Because regular Mass attenders in the Catholic Church are more likely to embrace and honor the teachings of the Church than those who come once in a while, according to surveys. And the president aggressively opposes the Church’s teachings on Life, traditional marriage, and contraception …

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