Posts Tagged ‘Catholic Church’
Carly handles pro abortion heckler in Iowa City
Think about the clash ideologies on display. The liberal demands to know, “well, if you won’t let us kill a million kids a year, what are going to do with them after they’re born?”
The suggestion is, of course, that the mother and father have zero responsibility for their child. But even more, a statement like this is a “lazy slander of the pro life movement…”
Read MoreHow to get Millennials back to church
I spent the first half of my life in the Episcopal church before converting to Catholicism.
While scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, I noticed a link to an article written by a noted progressive Christian writer, Rachel Held Evans, who is a proud Episcopalian.
She chastised the gyrations “hip churches” go through to attract young members, whom research shows are turning their backs on organized religion…
Read More“The state is making itself into a church”
“What will happen if the HHS regulations are not rescinded? A Catholic institution, so far as I can see right now, will have one of four choices: 1) secularize itself, breaking its connection to the church, her moral and social teachings and the oversight of its ministry by the local bishop. This is a form of theft. It means the church will not be permitted to have an institutional voice in public life. 2) Pay exorbitant annual fines to avoid paying for insurance policies that cover abortifacient drugs, artificial contraception and sterilization. This is not economically sustainable. 3) Sell the institution to a non-Catholic group or to a local government. 4) Close down.”
Read MoreThe trauma of moral injury
“A moral injury tortures the conscience; symptoms include deep shame, guilt and rage. It’s not a medical problem, and it’s unclear how to treat it, says retired Col. Elspeth Ritchie, former psychiatry consultant to the Army surgeon general.”
Read MoreThe NFL in the crosshairs
The NFL feeding frenzy begins.
Commissioner Roger Goodell better prepare for a long siege. He is now officially politically incorrect. Watch what happens over the weeks, months, and years ahead. The NFL is going to face an onslaught of bad press. They will be able to do nothing right in the eyes of media mavens and an alphabet soup of activist groups.
The campaign against the NFL will mirror the media campaign against the Catholic Church over the priest abuse scandal…
Read More"This is vile"
“This is vile. The destiny of every woman is to do whatever happens, and thankfully we all have more options open to us than to be appendages to men and broodmares. How insulting to infertile women and women who never have a partner for whatever reason!”
Read MoreA church madly in love with rationalism
Is there anything wrong with being naked in public?
Most sane people would say yes. Why? Because we are more than the animals who roam the earth unclothed.
However, in San Francisco, public nudity has been a common occurrence. There, the Board of Supervisors wrangled over banning public nudity …
Alleged Bishop Sheen miracle approved by Vatican medical panel
Can a dead person come back to life?
Science says no. Christ says yes. Jesus famously resuscitated the dead body of Lazarus and later a little girl. When an event occurs that is inexplicable according to the laws of nature, we call it a miracle …
Should the Catholic Church issue driver's licenses?
“Acting on the authority given to it by the Vatican, the United State Council of Catholic Bishops has announced that, to ensure equality and social justice, any male or female, regardless of age, who demonstrates:
1) the required knowledge of the rules of the road
2) can steer and reach the pedals,
shall be issued the Catholic Motor Vehicle License which shall be valid in any diocese which accepts it, regardless of state law. No one may be denied the fundamental right to drive on the basis of age, visual acuity, vehicle preference or emotional orientation.”
U.N. to the Catholic Church: "Stop being Catholic, or else …"
The United Nations has just come out with a report that blasts the Vatican over the abuse scandal. Fair enough. Amazingly, the U.N. demands that the Roman Catholic Church change its canon law to embrace abortion. That would solve the abuse scandal alright …
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