Gay atheist has much to teach liberal Christians about Christianity

The Duck Dynasty debacle reveals how Big Entertainment and Big Media try to marginalize practicing Christians. Even more, main line Protestantism is moving toward an embrace of homosexuality and away from the notion that acting on same-sex desires is sinful. A gay atheist who knows a great deal about Christianity says these Christians are misrepresenting what Christianity really says about homosexuality …

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God loves us into existence

Zacchaeus was a scumbag.
He wasn’t just a tax collector at the time of Christ, he was the chief tax collector. He collaborated with the Romans by becoming their tax collector, seizing money from his Jewish neighbors on behalf of their oppressors, and keeping a cut for himself.
A modern equivalent for a liberal would be a greedy capitalist who exploits the little guy so he can live in his fancy, gated community while the world falls apart around him.
A modern equivalent for a conservative might be a politician who seizes (taxes) money from the little guy and passes it onto their pals in the human abortion industry …

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How much longer will we tolerate the abuse scandal?

Our kids are still getting raped and abused.
Lives are being shattered, seemingly on a daily basis, by authority figures our kids have been conditioned to trust.
A study quantified the carnage: ten percent of our kids that come in contact with this respected institution have been victims of sexual misconduct, rape, or sexual assault. Ten percent! Shouldn’t something be done?

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Obama Government erects artificial barrier between Catholic priests and our soldiers

Marc was stationed in Afghanistan for thirteen months.
The place sounds like a living hell. He said you never knew when violence could erupt. Marc, a friend of mine, was there to rebuild roads. His unit wasn’t there to destroy; they were there to build. And yet an invisible sniper took aim at Marc one day and pulled the trigger.
The bullet headed for his brain …

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In praise of the Catholic Church

As a practicing Catholic, one who is in love with the Church, I appreciate an honest acknowledgement of the Catholic Church’s staggering contribution to the world. This is a remarkable record of service to mankind …

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Reactions to the Supreme Court’s (so-called) gay marriage decision

“Some will rejoice in today’s decision, and some will despair at it; that is the nature of a controversy that matters so much to so many. But the Court has cheated both sides, robbing the winners of an honest victory, and the losers of the peace that comes from a fair defeat. We owed both of them better. I dissent.” — Justice Anthony Scalia

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Join the Fortnight for Freedom. Support religious liberty.

This is the second annual Fortnight called by the U.S. Catholic Bishops. It was precipitated by the Obama Government’s HHS Mandate, which kicks in on August 1st. What is the president saying with his Mandate? Here is what he is saying: human life is a disease. It must be contained. It is not the fruit of loving relationships. It is the hindrance to your fulfillment, not the source of your fulfillment. Even more, the president is saying that willful infertility is healthy.

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