A beautiful Christmas message from Ronald Reagan

By Tom Quiner Let’s turn the clock back to 1981 to hear the beautiful Christmas address of a president who loved Christ. Ronald Reagan wasn’t afraid to call Jesus the Christ. He called a Christmas tree a Christmas tree, not a holiday tree. He gave no quarter to the politically-correct Thought Police who want to…

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The Child

The world never got to know little Claudia.

The baby was cast outside naked to die by her father, the Roman Emperor Claudius, when he learned he hadn’t fathered the little girl.

History views her life as little more than a footnote in a compendium of excesses inflicted on mankind by Roman emperors.

Human life was disposable in the time of Claudia. First century Rome simply ‘cast out’ babies that weren’t wanted, especially if they were girls, or if they were imperfect.

Some would be left in what we would characterize as a ‘dump yard’ for babies where they would die from exposure, or in some cases, be retrieved to be raised by others.

Another Child was born several decades before Claudia who changed all of that…

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On the third day of Christmas

I saw this explanation of the third day of Christmas on Facebook this morning: On the third day of Christmas, three French hens. Known for their beauty and rarity, the three French hens signify both the gifts of the Magi (gold, frankincense and myrrh) and the three theological virtues (faith, hope and love). Enjoy this…

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How to defeat the culture of death: education

Many people don’t understand what is at stake, especially when they’re told that the unique, one-of-a-kind person in the womb, you know, the one who might figure out how to cure cancer some day, is merely a clump of cells.

We can stop this brain drain and this relentless erosion of human dignity by redoubling our efforts to teach.

That’s what Iowans for Life does. Teach.

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