A bloated “public economy” lowers middle class incomes

Inflation-adjusted median household incomes fell by 2.6% during the Great Recession. Obamanomics, which has been characterized by adding $5 trillion to our deficits in the name of stimulating our paychecks, has had the exact opposite effect. Since the recession ended in mid 2009, instead of helping us, it hurt us. Inflation-adjusted median household incomes fell another 4.8%.

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Obama can’t blame deficits on the wars or the Bush tax cuts

It happened again this morning. A letter writer to the Des Moines Register blamed our deficits on the Bush tax cuts and the two wars launched in response to 9/11.In other words, the deficits are Bush’s fault and Obama is simply cleaning up his mess is the contention. Is this true? No, not according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) …

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Is the Iraq War responsible for our deficits?

By Tom Quiner Voices on the left are clear:  our fiscal problems are the result of an unnecessary war on Iraq forced on the country by former President Bush. Democratic Party strategist, James Carville, is blunt: “It was under Mr Bush that the deficit spiralled out of control as we fought an unnecessary and endless…

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As seen in the Des Moines Register, January 24, 2010 “I am confident we can get government off our backs and out of our pockets …” Ronald Reagan, November 3, 1980 “Read my lips, no new taxes.” George H. W. Bush, August 18, 1988 “The era of big government is over.” William Jefferson Clinton, January…

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