In praise of a good role model in the world of sports

Bad boys abound in the world of sports.
In today’s sports section, I was struck by the juxtaposition of two articles which described two very different athletes.
One was about a “bad boy”, Aldon Smith, the talented linebacker of the San Francisco 49ers. As reported in the U.S. Today by Jarrett Bell, Mr. Smith has quite a rap sheet for a 24 year old man …

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The betrayal of Jesus

Jesus was betrayed by two people on Good Friday. From this betrayal flowed the most radical idea in the history of the human race.

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Sacrifice is the essence of humanity

What separates us from the animals? It is man’s ability to love that makes us unique. When I say love, I mean love in all of its multi-faceted and wonderful complexity. When I say love, I don’t mean sex. When I say love, I’m talking about self-giving. The culture’s notion of love is warped. Our politics accelerate the corruption of love.

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Why did Judas betray Jesus?

Was it simply greed? Did Judas betray Jesus for the 30 pieces of silver? It seems that the story is much more complex than that. The lesson of the betrayal is life changing …

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