Caucus insights from the 15th precinct

My caucus was packed.

Hundreds of Republicans packed into what used to be the old cafeteria of my junior high school.

Nearly a half a century ago, I lunched with my chums in this room sweating over an upcoming test or talking about the pretty girls sitting across the room.

Tonight, the stakes were higher. Members of my community were going to weigh in on who they thought should be the next president of the United States…

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Iowa Caucus postmortem

By Tom Quiner My fair state has given us much to chew on after last night’s Caucuses. A few reactions … Negative campaigning pays. Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and their pressure groups launched a focused smear campaign on former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. It worked. Mr. Gingrich lost half of his support in…

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