Posts Tagged ‘IRS scandal’
More evidence that the fix is in
The Obama Justice Department is letting the IRS off the hook for targeting conservative groups in the run-up to the 2012 election…
Read MoreA modest proposal to find the missing IRS e-mails
Something has to be done to restore Lois Lerner’s tainted reputation.
The former IRS executive looks like a no-good, rotten, shady, scheming bureaucratic Nazi. And I’ve pulled my punches! The way things look to the public right now, she was the ring leader in targeting dastardly conservative groups to help re-elect Barack Obama.
This perception of Ms. Lerner may be totally unfair…
The time has come to abolish the IRS. Here's how …
The time has come to change the way we raise money for the legitimate needs of our government.
Imagine a system that doesn’t require tax returns. The IRS would no longer be needed and would be shut down.
Imagine a system that doesn’t require withholding tax. In other words, imagine a system that lets you keep your entire paycheck, even, and especially if you’re a pensioner.
Imagine a progressive system that eliminates all taxes for people living beneath the poverty level, and yet collects dramatically more money from the wealthiest?
An IT guy questions the veracity of the IRS lost e-mails
So for an organization like the IRS to claim that they cannot produce any
data centered around a given mailbox is – unless proven otherwise – very,
VERY unlikely. There would need to be long-term gross negligence and/or
purposeful data destruction at multiple levels of technology and management.
"The IRS scandal isn't Watergate …"
By Tom Quiner Daniel Henninger, who writes the “Wonderland” column for the Wall Street Journal, characterizes the IRS scandal this way: “The IRS tea-party audit story isn’t Watergate; it’s worse than Watergate. The Watergate break-in was the professionals of the party in power going after the party professionals of the party out of power. The…
Read MoreObama's IRS gives the American public the finger. Thank-you, Paul Ryan, for standing up for us.
Read MoreWhat is the president's team hiding?
It’s official: the IRS targeted conservative groups, not liberal
“We found no indication in any of these other materials that ‘Progressives’ was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for political campaign intervention.”
Read MoreThe time for the flat tax has arrived
The simplest and most practical way to simplify the tax code is a flat tax. A flat tax would eliminate most deductions, radically reducing compliance costs. Countries that have moved to flatter taxes experience increases in tax revenues because the private sector re-funnels the time and money they spent on compliance into more productive pursuits.
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