What does the Blessed Mother look like?

“Her hair is wavy and parted in the middle. She has an oval shaped face and her nose is long and delicate. Her mouth is very pretty with rather full lips. The color of her face is dark but lighter than that of the angel; it is different. Her voice is very lovely, a very unusual voice that I can’t describe. There is no woman that resembles the Blessed Virgin in her voice or in anything else.”

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Was Jesus really conceived out of wedlock?

No, Jesus was not conceived out of wedlock, despite popular perception to the contrary.
Jesus was virginally conceived, but AFTER the betrothal of Mary and Joseph.
The late Fr. John Hardon tells us that we need to have an understanding of how betrothal worked in the time of Christ. Father Hardon was a Jesuit priest (like Pope Francis) and American theologian. He explains …

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God loves us into existence

Zacchaeus was a scumbag.
He wasn’t just a tax collector at the time of Christ, he was the chief tax collector. He collaborated with the Romans by becoming their tax collector, seizing money from his Jewish neighbors on behalf of their oppressors, and keeping a cut for himself.
A modern equivalent for a liberal would be a greedy capitalist who exploits the little guy so he can live in his fancy, gated community while the world falls apart around him.
A modern equivalent for a conservative might be a politician who seizes (taxes) money from the little guy and passes it onto their pals in the human abortion industry …

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BREAKING NEWS: Jesus of Nazareth softens Jewish stance against prostitution!

The headlines swirled around the Levant as itinerant preacher Jesus of Nazareth reportedly excuses both prostitutes and the men who frequent them. The latest controversy came when Jesus, whose followers believe is the Son of God, retold the story of a family whose younger son had squandered the family inheritance with prostitutes.
Roman observers speculate that this is a sign of a new openness to Roman social mores …

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Reactions to the Supreme Court’s (so-called) gay marriage decision

“Some will rejoice in today’s decision, and some will despair at it; that is the nature of a controversy that matters so much to so many. But the Court has cheated both sides, robbing the winners of an honest victory, and the losers of the peace that comes from a fair defeat. We owed both of them better. I dissent.” — Justice Anthony Scalia

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Lesbians attack Archbishop

The four lesbians stripped off their clothes. The scene was the Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium. The lesbians, representing a Ukrainian feminist group that goes by the name “Femen,” were angry at the Catholic Church for being Catholic.

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Would you die for a lie?

Judas committed suicide out of his guilt for betraying Jesus. Ten out of the eleven surviving disciples, each of whom claimed to have witnessed the risen Christ, were eventually martyred for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Were they lying? This poses a vexing question: would you die for a lie?

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The source of morality

Pontius Pilate was in the hot seat. What was he going to do about this guy, Jesus? The San Hedrin were afraid of Jesus. They wanted the Romans to execute him in a desperate attempt to regain the moral authority of their people. Pilate was trying to understand if Jesus was truly a bad guy or not. He asked Jesus a question that would echo down through the ages …

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