Posts Tagged ‘Jesus’
Amen, Mr. Walsh
I hate when people say "Jesus hung out with sinners." No, He didn't. He ministered to them. He didn't just sit by and watch them sin. — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) May 9, 2017
Read MoreThe most beloved Child in history is needed more than ever
The power of Christ’s name
Jesus has to be the most insensitive man who ever lived
This reading makes it clear that Jesus is en route to Jerusalem. He’s going to be hanging on a cross within a week.
Keep in mind, Jesus and His entourage have just passed near Samaria, which is only some thirty miles from Jerusalem. That means they could be in Jerusalem as soon as ten to fifteen hours on foot.
So when a man says “Lord, let me go first and bury my father”, Jesus knows the guy is going to miss out in witnessing the divine.
Read More“Fly to the Angels”
This extraordinary event has been portrayed in art down through the ages. I dramatized it in my recent musical, THE FIRE AND THE MERCY, The Pentecost Musical. I chose to focus on an aspect of the event not spoken of in scripture: Jesus’ goodbye to his Mother, Mary.
Read MoreMisinterpreting Jesus
Who would Jesus not vote for?
God sent man that little Baby 2000 years ago as an act of love. In His brief 33 years on this planet, Jesus reinforced the virtue of humility taught to Him by his Mother.
He was far more concerned with the lowly than the wealthy. He revered the humble at the same time that he challenged the prideful…
Read MoreWhy I believe in Santa Clause
One year, my sister and I concocted a scheme to catch Santa when he brought gifts to our house. We tied a string to his glass of milk (next to the plate of cookies we left for him) and strung it all the way to the upstairs where we slept and put a bell on the end. When Santa took a gulp of milk, the bell would ring and we would run down the stairs and confront our friend…
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