What is news?

Ms. Clinton was caught in another lie yesterday. Granted, disingenuousness, deceit, and disinformation are not particularly newsworthy when when it comes to our potential future president. Here’s what happened:

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Candidate Parade

This presidential campaign reminds me of “Easter Parade” in a perverse way.

“East Parade” was the hit 1948 movie starring the great Fred Astaire and Judy Garland. The plot is straight forward: Fred Astaire has a dancing partner who leaves the act to go solo. They also had a romantic relationship, so Fred is feeling doubly rejected. To get back at her, he boasts that he could pull any girl off of the chorus line and turn her into a star with his sheer star power.

The girl he pulls out of the chorus line is none other than Judy Garland. The duo sputters at first because Fred isn’t letting Judy be Judy. He tries to force her to fit the mold of his previous partner.

However, once he lets Judy be Judy, the act gels and they make it big…

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Is the Trump campaign stupid, lazy, or simply arrogant?

I watched Mrs. Trump’s speech last night.

Very nice. A glamor girl was humanized. I believe but a small percentage of voters are swayed by a prospective First Lady, with the exception of Hillary Clinton (who certainly repelled many).

But in all, last night’s prime time speech by Melania Trump was a net gain … until this morning. It was all undone by…

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“Why are we watching PBS?”

By Tom Quiner I ran upstairs to clean up the kitchen during a break in the Republican Convention. When I came down, my wife told me that Gwen Ifell said, “well, Republicans were able to find a black sheriff to speak who is actually conservative.” That’s it. Back to Fox News.

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