Why was God so vicious in the Old Testament?

I received a very tough question: “If God has the ability to change people instantly, why would he need to kill so many men, women [pregnant women], and children like he did throughout the Bible? Why kill so many so violently in a flood when he could have just made them better people?”

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Is evangelical atheism sputtering?

The high priest of atheism, Richard Dawkins, “… preaches so conceitedly, and with such poisonously illiberal scorn for those who follow the great faiths, that I want to worship alongside every one of them. While the new Pope seems a genuinely holy kinda guy, and the new Archbishop of Canterbury an absolute sweetheart, Dawkins is more repressively dogmatic than the Ayatollahs …”

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An intoxicating love affair with the divine

As I went up for communion, I thought of Mr. Dawkins’ comments at a gathering of evangelical atheists last year called “The Reason Rally.” He preached to the gathered acolytes the need to go beyond mere proselytizing his nihilistic religion, he encouraged mockery of my faith …

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An intoxicating love affair with the divine

Last night was big. It was my 31st anniversary of becoming a parent. And it was another anniversary. I attended the beautiful Easter Vigil Mass at my church. It was the 31st anniversary of my entrance into the Catholic Church, an act whose significance grows each day. My baby boy and I both came into the Church that evening in 1981. Thirty-one is a fitting number. After all, I attend a church called Holy Trinity, named in honor of our God in three forms, who nevertheless is one God. The Father. The Son. The Holy Spirit. The sweep of the Catholic Easter Vigil is awe-inspiring. It is epic …

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