Will Democrats allow Catholic citizens to serve?

Iowa’s Republican Governor appointed a Catholic woman to the Iowa Board of Medicine. This is a big deal. This Board influences whether telemed abortions will spread throughout Iowa to the financial benefit of Planned Parenthood. If Planned Parenthood succeeds, telemed abortions will begin spreading throughout America. The Iowa Senate, controlled by Democrats, rejected the nominee with a shameless smear campaign grounded in deceit and disinformation. Undeterred, Governor Terry Branstad has put forth the name of another faithful Catholic to serve on the Board of Medicine: Monsignor Frank Bognanno …

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How Democrats defend bigotry

By Tom Quiner Dishonest Iowa Democrats smear a good woman. This was the Quiner’s Diner post on April 13th. The Des Moines Register picked it up and ran it without changing a word. The Dubuque Telegraph Herald ran with it. I was asked to be a guest on a Northern Iowa talk radio show to…

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Iowa Democrats target pro-life Catholic

By Rhonda Phillips The Democratically controlled Senate’s rejection of nominee, Colleen Pasnik to the Iowa Board of Medicine (IBM), is deplorable. Based on statements by Senator Jack Hatch (D), it is obvious Ms. Pasnik was not vetted for her work and scholarly qualifications but rather for her pro-life, Catholic background. Senator Hatch’s remark, “Anyone with…

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Dishonest Iowa Democrats smear a good woman

Iowa Democrats resorted to a smear campaign to provide cover in refusing to confirm Coleen Pasnik to the Iowa Board of Medicine. What was the beef against Ms. Pasnik? According to Senator Hatch: “She was accompanied by people who were…arrested and convicted of crimes and bombing of abortion clinics.” Mr. Hatch refers to a public hearing at the Iowa Board of Medicine in 2010, a meeting at which I was in attendance. Mr. Hatch was not truthful in his indictment of Ms. Pasnik …

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