Charlie Sheen is a microcosm of America

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new data, and it’s bad:

√ Reported cases of gonorrhea are up for 2014, up 4% from the previous year.

√ Same for syphilis, which rose 14%.

√ Same for chlamydia with 1.4 reported million cases.

Most infections occur in teens and you adults in the 15 to 24 year old age. Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause infertility in women…

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The Girl Scouts believe in a "values-neutral" agenda

The Girl Scouts look down on the family unit, because it is ill-prepared to impart “values-neutral” information regarding the intricacies of sexual expression. Translation: the family may not agree with liberal doctrine regarding sexuality, birth control, promiscuity, and abortion.

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Why I no longer buy Girl Scout cookies

The Girl Scouts look down on the family unit, because it is ill-prepared to impart “values-neutral” information regarding the intricacies of sexual expression. Translation: the family may not agree with liberal doctrine regarding sexuality, birth control, promiscuity, and abortion.

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