Top ten religious movies for Lent

By Tom Quiner Integrating God and faith into movies doesn’t always work. Sometimes, directors who are ardent believers try so hard to convey their fervor that the audience feels like they’ve been clubbed over the head. Other times, a director of little or no faith is able to convey a timeless story of faith with…

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Top ten religious movies for Lent

Integrating God and faith into movies doesn’t always work.

Sometimes, directors who are ardent believers try so hard to convey their fervor that the audience feels like they’ve been clubbed over the head. Other times, a director of little or no faith is able to convey a timeless story of faith with such an exquisite, artistic touch that you’re convinced of his devoutness.

The Holy Spirit works mysteriously in the realm of cinema. The films that follow moved me, entertained me, and conveyed a message of faith that meant something to me.

My list of favorites evolves from year to year. The films that follow are artistic, nuanced with great scripts. The Gospel of John (#2) is unique because the script is based verbatim on the Gospel of John. Christopher Plummer’s voice is perfect as the narrator. Interestingly, the versatile Mr. Plummer appears in two other films on the list (“The Scarlet and the Black”) as a Nazi, the antagonist of the Vatican, and “Jesus of Nazareth” as the spineless Herod.

I have bounced a few golden oldies from my list this year, such as Ben-Hur and The Ten Commandments, simply because I’ve seen them enough times that I’m a little tired of them.

I sincerely believe you will enjoy these films. Let me know your favorites.

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Top ten religious movies for Lent

This is the season to experience quality movies.

I love a good religious film. Sadly, there aren’t enough of them. Religious filmmakers often lack a deft touch and club you over the head to get their faith-based message across.

Although I’m receptive to the message of faith, I still appreciate and expect artistry, nuance, and good writing in films that address these subjects.

My list of favorites evolves from year to year. The films that follow are artistic, nuanced with great scripts. The Gospel of John (#2) is unique because the script is based verbatim on the Gospel of John. Christopher Plummer’s voice is perfect as the narrator. Interestingly, the versatile Mr. Plummer appears in another film on the list (“The Scarlet and the Black”) as a Nazi, the antagonist of the Vatican.

I sincerely believe you will enjoy these films…

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My top ten religious movies for Lent

We’re in the midst of the awe and majesty of the Easter Triduum. When you get home from church and look for good religious entertainment, consider one of these ten movies. These are my favorite religious movies for the Lent/Easter season.

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“A caress of Jesus”

Today is Holy Thursday.

The profound richness of the Last Supper comes alive in this, the beginning of the Easter Triduum.

Tonight at Mass, we will wash each other’s feet as a prelude to the Eucharistic sacrifice…

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“I can see!”

When Jesus heard that they had thrown him out,
he found him and said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
He answered and said,
“Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?”
Jesus said to him,
“You have seen him, and
the one speaking with you is he.”

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My top ten religious movies for Lent

I love movies that depict the power of faith.

There is no one magic formula for a successful religious movie. Sometimes, it is an historical epic. Other times, it is a story of faith in action. Or it could be a docudrama on the life of a saint.

I especially love to dig into these films during Lent and let the beauty of God’s love wash over me.

Here is my updated top ten list of religious movies I like to watch during Lent:

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The Woman at the Well

Today’s gospel reading is about you. And me.
If you were to create a list of the Bible’s best stories, the story of the Woman at the Well ranks high. You can find it in John 4:5.
The story is rich with symbolism. Every detail in the story has meaning …

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The challenge of making "Jesus" movies

Good Christians have intensely personal relationships with Christ.
My evangelical Christian friends talk about the necessity of establishing this personal relationship, this friendship, with God’s only Son. Catholics pursue this relationship through the Church’s sacraments which are profoundly personal.
In other words, Christians see Christ a little bit differently, even though they are friends with the same Man-God. You can see the challenge filmmakers face when creating movies about the life of Christ …

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"The Son of God" movie review

What a scene: Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane; Caiaphas prays in the temple to the same God; and Pontius Pilate and his wife pray to their ancestors.
The juxtaposition of these simultaneous events was sheer cinematic drama, and a very creative way for Son of God director, Christopher Spencer to contrast this epic clash of religions. The scene was given added heft by the formidable performances turned in by Greg Hicks as the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, and Adrian Schiller as Jewish high priest, Caiaphas. “Son of God” is a movie worth seeing …

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