Will Obamacare usher in an era of back alley births?
By Tom Quiner
Joy was a sick little girl.
Only 14 weeks old since her conception, she was diagnosed with hydroencephaly. That meant her brain wouldn’t develop properly; that it would fill with fluid; that her chance of surviving to birth was bleak; and that if she actually was born, she had minimal chance for any kind of normal life.
The medical staff recommended abortion. The parents said no.
Joy’s mother faced life-threatening risks by continuing with the pregnancy. This necessitated a number of trips to the hospital to drain fluid to prevent uterine rupture.
Joy was delivered at 36 weeks by C-section. She died six days later in intensive care.
The emotional trauma to Joy’s parents was surely incalculable. On the other hand, medical costs are calculable, and someone has to pay these costs.
Obamacare may change the answer. The answer may soon be that no one, whether a private insurance company or the government, will pay for it, but they will pay to have Joy aborted, because that is more cost-effective.
Section 1553 of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) says something amazing:
(a) In General – The Federal Government, and any State or local government or health care provider that receives Federal financial assistance under this Act (or under an amendment made by this Act) or any health plan created under this Act (or under an amendment made by this Act), may not subject an individual or institutional health care entity to discrimination on the basis that the entity does not provide any health care item or service [emphasis mine] furnished for the purpose of causing, or for the purpose of assisting in causing, the death of any individual, such as by assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing.
The implication is clear: euthanasia is considered health care. In other words, death is a legitimate health care treatment. Obamacare is saying it won’t discriminate against you if you don’t want to provide euthanasia, but suggests that providing assisted suicide services is the norm.
Obamacare treats human life as a disease to be contained, at best, and eradicated when inconvenient or expensive. That’s why it mandates that all insurance coverage include “free” contraception, “free” abortifacients, and “free” sterilization. (For the record, sterilizations cost more than $7000 each here in Iowa, someone has to pay, they are certainly not “free.”)
The bill greases the skids for medical providers to require an abortion, in cases like Joy, as the best form of “health care.” If parents balk, they may be faced with seeking a “back alley” birth.
You may think this scenario is far-fetched. I wish it were.
Obamacare creates an Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). They are an appointed body, independent and unaccountable.
Their job? To contain spending. They have clout, since they determine what is paid by insurance, or more importantly, what is not.
What type of treatment will they allow if you are very old and in bad shape?
What type of treatment will they allow if it is flagged while you are in the womb that you carry the Downs chromosome?
How about spinal bifida?
Sarah Palin was reviled by the president and his party when she characterized Obamacare as authorizing the use of “death panels.”
Was she very far off the mark? Obamacare treats poison for assisted suicides as healthcare. It has allowed Health and Human Services to erect anti life policies by fiat, even as it tramples on religious liberties.
The president and his party claim they are all about choice. In the months and years to come, will they allow the parents of future Joys a choice, or will they usher in an era of back alley births?
Czar of the culture of death …. in-chief
When I think Obamacare can’t get any worse, I discover something like this.
The president’s science Czar, John Holdren, wrote a book in the 70’s advocating forced abortion/sterilization to save mother earth. He favors a global science dictatorship to save the planet from humans. This, I believe, is just a step in that direction.
If I sit back and watch these things unfold, I can’t believe my eyes.
It is disturbing beyond words.
I only had time to skim your article, but I had to chime in. I know a little girl who was born with spinal bifida. She must be 20 years old now. The predictions the doctors had for her life did not come true. Her life is certainly worth living, I am sure she would say, if you asked her.
These are not decisions for us to make.
I’ve heard of these stories countless times. Perhaps the most famous would be pro football player, Tim Tebow. Doctors told his mom she might die if she had Tim, that she should abort. She said no. Tim was born, and she still lives. Good to hear from you, Lori.
Obama and his disciples view human life on the same plain as pets, maybe with even less consideration.
In Ohio, we had our president of the Board of Education receive a lot of heat to resign because she had the audacity to have Obama and Hitler’s photos next to each other on a Facebook comment on gun control. In my WordPress blog, I conceded that her decision to post the photos wasn’t the wisest, even though she did not actually link the two supposedly. But I also left it open for “how far off was she?”
Actually, I disagree with you. They hold pets in higher regard than the pre-born. We have laws that prevent cruelty to animals. The president and his party fight any regulations designed to prevent cruelty to the pre-born. Regarding the Hitler comparison, no matter how apt the comparison, it is guaranteed to rile up the other side in non productive ways and distract from the true issue at hand. I speak from experience. Thanks for writing!
Look at how perverse our nation has become. For years all I heard from liberals is that we need to legalize abortion so that women wouldn’t be butchered in back alley abortions. Now some people may have to have back alley births.
Under ObamaCare, death is precious, life is not.
“The American Culture of Death”
[…] Will Obamacare usher in an era of back alley births? (quinersdiner.com) […]